One of Europe’s top winter destinations

When the mountain roads turn white and the winter sun starts to shine, vacationing in winter becomes a real treat. So if you consider yourself a winter enthusiast, this is for you.

Bohinj is fast becoming one of Europe’s top winter wonderlands!

National Geographic wrote: “Hotel Bohinj is the embodiment of the lake and alpine landscape, which have given the hotel its name, rich tradition and history. It’s also connected to the story of the four brave men who were the first to climb Mount Triglav, the highest mountain in Slovenia, with a monument in their honor erected in the park below the hotel.”

If you’re looking for a place to escape the mundane of everyday life this winter, look no further than Hotel Bohinj. With our range of winter packages, there’s something to suit everyone. Book now and let us show you why Bohinj is fast becoming one of Europe’s top winter wonderlands!


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Poslovni dogodki in poroke:

Darilni boni:

Kje se nahajamo?

Ribčev Laz 45
4265 Bohinjsko jezero, Slovenija


Delovni čas
00.00 – 00.00
Prijava: 15.00
Odjava: 11.00


Delovni čas
Zajtrk: 7.00 – 10.00
Restavracija: 13.00 – 21.00
Bar: 7.00 – 22.00


Delovni čas
Ponedeljek – petek: 13.00 – 22.00
Sobota – nedelja: 10.00 – 22.00

Want to book a room?

Business events and weddings:

Gift vouchers:

Where are we located?

Ribčev Laz 45
4265 Bohinjsko jezero, Slovenia


Open hours
00.00 – 00.00
Check-in: 15.00
Check-out: 11.00


Open hours
Breakfast: 7.00 – 10.00
Restaurant: 1 pm – 9 pm
Bar: 7 am – 10 pm


Open hours
Monday – Friday: 13.00 – 22.00
Saturday – Sunday: 10 am – 10 pm

